Place the flour and salt into a food processor and start to blend. Add the eggs and egg yolk and blend until dough is formed.
Place the dough in an airtight container and put in the fridge for 30 minutes
Place the rabbit loins into a food processor and blend with a pinch of salt and pepper.
Slowly add the cream and mix gently, being careful not to whip it. This should take no more than a couple of minutes.
Place the rabbit mousse into a piping bag ready to make the ravioli.
Roll the pasta as thinly as possible into large sheets. Pipe a teaspoon of mousse at 30mm intervals at the halfway point of the width of your rolled pasta sheet.
Fold over the pasta sheet, press out any air and seal around the filling.
Using a pasta cutter wheel, cut along the pasta sheet 15 mm above the mix and then cut between each parcel to form the ravioli.
Place the formed ravioli on a sheet of well-floured baking paper and set aside until ready.