Robert Hawker Venison


Robert Hawker brings you the best-quality wild venison from the West Country that’s as good as it could possibly be.

You’ll love the product, you’ll love the recipes and you’ll love the taste!
Want to give it a try? Have a look at the products page to see the great variety that’s available and then of course the venison recipes to see what you can do with it.
All you’ll need to do then is go to the shop and make your order. It’s as easy as that.

Robert is very clear about the type of wild venison he provides. “I manage the deer properly”, he says, “I only select those animals that I want to cull each year…I don’t just go out and shoot the first animal I see, it’ll be the right animal…People realise now that deer have to be culled, if the right person is doing it, then it’s safe and ethical”.

Supplier to Marco Pierre White

Marco Pierre White “Robert takes a great deal of care in selecting deer to cull, the venison is the finest quality and I use for many of my recipes.”