Pheasant recipes
Tasty, easy to cook and great for children, pheasant is a superbly versatile ingredient for use in a variety of dishes.

Pheasant Meatballs
Pheasant meatballs with green olives, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs and Pappardelle pasta. Designed by Taste of Game chef Jose Souto.

Pheasant Pizza
One of the nations favourites Pizza using a great healthy tasty alternative pheasant.

Pheasant Chorizo and Kale Hash
Quick and easy recipe either for lunch or we have served it for breakfast by Rachel Green. It is an any time of day dish, it is equally as delicious made with pigeon breasts

Pheasant Burritos with Avocado Salsa
This is so good! Burritos made with pheasant, avocado, salsa what more do you want. Recipe by Rachel Green.

Pheasant Tom Kha Gai
Quick and easy this is a great main dish to add variety to your weekly menu. A touch of Thai.

Pheasant Burger
Making Burgers is a great way to get all the family involved, from mixing, shaping and even cooking. These Pheasant burgers is also a great way to introduce people to this great game bird but they can be dry but the addition of some minced wild boar or pork belly makes them succulent.